Sunday, April 25, 2010

The view inside your head

Any deep exploration of your own mind can leave you dizzy, confused, and questioning. A blind acceptance of Descartes just isn't for you, is it? It isn't enough to recognize that you have thoughts. Just because you have thoughts doesn't mean that others do, does it? After all, there is plenty of evidence around you that other people often don't think at all, isn't there? And what about thoughts, anyway? Where do they come from? Can they really be just the background noise of electrical signals firing rapidly between sets of neurons? Are feelings just the residue of neurotransmitters released during that electrical firing? How is it that 1300 or so grams of spongy, lumpy stuff can do amazing things like learn a language, laugh, recognize pain in others, and cause pain in you?

If you go at it long enough, you may get to this:
If my perception of the world around me is all that actually exists for me, why did I make it suck so bad?

And then it really begins...